Videos Name Description 4CORNERS.MOV Footage of the Four Corners area of the SouthWest United States. ANIMATED.MOV Animation showing the Earth's rotation. ANIMATIO.MOV Animation comprised of still photo's. CLOUDS_L.MOV Computer generated animation showing the Earth's cloud cover. CLOUDS_O.MOV Animation showing the cloud density and movement over Africa in January 1979. CLOUD_PA.MOV Animation showing global cloud cover and movement in January 1979. COASTLIN.MOV Footage from Space Shuttle showing Eastern Uniter States coastline including Cape Cod. FISH.MOV A school of fish. GYROSCOP.MOV Experiment on Space Shuttle show effects of zero gravity on a gyroscope. HALEYS.MOV Computer generated depiction of Haley's comet. HARRIER.MOV Harrier jet hovering and turning. JUPITERC.MOV Movement of Jupiter's cloud cover from a series of still images. JUPITERR.MOV Depiction of Jupiter's rotation from one of it's moons. JUPITER_.MOV View of Jupiter. LANDSAT_.MOV Demonstration of LandSat imaging. LAND_MAS.MOV Space Shuttle footage showing landmass below. LUNAR_LA.MOV Footage up to the Lunar landing. LUNAR_OR.MOV The Moon's surface from orbiting spacecraft. LUNAR_RO.MOV The Lunar Rover in action. MAGNET.MOV Space Shuttle experiment showing magnatisim in zero gravity. MARS_FLY.MOV Mars flyby from series of still images. MIRANDA.MOV Computer generated flyby of Miranda's terrain. MOON_ROT.MOV Computer generated Lunar rotation and view. MR_IMAGE.MOV Magnetic Resonance Image showing the head. NATIVE_A.MOV Mative American ruins. PARTIAL_.MOV Partial view of theEarth from Space Shuttle. SATELITE.MOV View of satellite from Space Shuttle with coastline in background. SATURN.MOV Flyby of Saturn passing through one of the rings. SHUTTLE_.MOV Space Shuttle re-entry. SIMULATI.MOV Super Computer generated Space Shuttle. SLINKY.MOV Experiment on board Space Shuttle showing the effects on a slinky in zero gravity. SOLAR_FL.MOV Solar flares. SPACE_PL.MOV Computer depiction of the Space Plane. SPACE_SH.MOV Space Shuttle burning into the atmosphere. SPACE_ST.MOV Computer depiction of Space Station. SPACE_TE.MOV Computer enhanced images from the Space Telescope. SPACE_WA.MOV Space walk from Space Shuttle. SST.MOV The SST in flight. SUNRAYS_.MOV Animation showing suns rays are affected by Venus's atmosphere. VENUS_FL.MOV Flyby of Venus. VOYAGER_.MOV Voyager's approach of Saturn. WILD_FIR.MOV Wild Fire. Photos Image Name Description 2_STAR ILLUSTRATION OF A DOUBLE STAR SYSTEM AFRICA NORTHEAST AFRICA & ARABIA ANTARCTI ANTARCTICA ARMSTRON "ARMSTRONG, NEIL A" ASTRO_1 ASTRONAUT HOFFMAN DISPLAYS TOOLS USED IN THE FIVE SPACEWALK ASTRO_2 "CARPENTER, M SCOTT" ASTRO_3 ORIGINAL 7 ASTRONAUTS IN FRONT AIRCRAFT ASTRO_4 ORIGINAL 7 ASTRONAUTS IN FLIGHTSUITS ASTRO_5 ASTRONAUTS POSE WITH GEORGE BUSH @ EDWARDS AS THEY ALL GIVE A THUMBS UP SIGN AFTER A PERFECT FLIGHT ASTRO_6 CREW AT BREAKFAST ON LAUNCH DAY BIG_BANG "ARTIST CONCEPT ""BIG BANG""" BLACK_HO IMAGE OF GIANT DISK OF COLD GAS AND DUST FUELING A SUSPECTED BLACK HOLE CAPSULE PREPERATION OF CAPSULE COOPER_G "COOPER, L GORDON JR (COL)" DESTROY NAVY COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE. LAUNCH VEHICLE HIT BY LIGHTNING AND DESTROYED EARTH FULL EARTH FROM 1.3 MILLION MILES FULLMOON "FULL MOON FROM 350,000 MILES" GEMINI LAUNCH Gemini GLENN_J "GLENN, JOHN H" GT-5 LAUNCH GT-5 HUBBLE1 HST IN CARGO BAY OF SHUTTLE PRIOR TO LAUNCH HUBBLE2 EVA - REPAIRING THE HST HUBBLE3 SUN REFLECTS OFF THE HST PRIOR TO FOLLOWING THE RECENT BERTHING IN THE CARGO BAY HUBBLE4 EVA - REPAIRING THE HST HUBBLE5 "35MM PHOTO OF THE HST, THE AIRGLOW OVER THE EARTH¡S HORIZON AND THE CRESENT MOON" JUPITER JUPITER MARS MARS - FULL DISC MASSACHU Massachusetts LANDSAT MERCURY LAUNCH Mercury MICROMAP MICROWAVE MAP MADE FROM 1 YEAR OF DATA MONTES 3-D IMAGE OF SIF AND GULA MONTES NEBULA PLANETARY NEBULA HEN 1357 N_JERSEY New Jersey LANDSAT PLUTO PLUTO QUASAR FOUR IMAGES OF DISTANT QUASAR RUSSIA Russia LANDSAT SATEL_1 ARTIST CONCEPT OF THE SPACECRAFT FLYING OVER THE SURFACE OF VENUS SATEL_2 SYNCHRONOUS ORBITING WEATHER SATELLITE AS PART OF THE GOES SYSTEM SATURN Saturn's Rings SHUTTLE1 ATLANTIS LANDING @ EDWARD ON 12/6/1988 SHUTTLE2 THIS PHOTO OF A SUNBURST WAS MADE PRIOR TO THE GRAPPLE OF THE HST SHUTTLE3 LAUNCH STS SHUTTLE4 LAUNCH FRONT VIEW SHUTTLE5 LAUNCH OF ATLANTIS STATION1 MIR SPACE STATION WITH ADROGYNUS PERIPHERAL STATION2 US/RUSSIAN SPACE STATION SUPERNOV SUPERNOVA 1987A TESTING RE-ENTRY TEST OF HEAT SHIELD MATERIAL X_CORE DARK X CORE OF NEARBY SPIRAL GALAXY